This page will serve as information that may assist you as a Homeowner. If you have any information that you would like to share please feel free to send us the information.
Did You Know Homeowners Policy Does Not Cover Floods?
Did you know your home owners policy does not cover floods? Regardless of the cause, blocked waterways or overflowing water bodies, your home owners policy will not cover rising water. And its not just homes in low lying areas that are affected as some residents in Atlanta months ago sadly discovered.
You may want to check with your insurance agent about obtaining flood insurance. It is relatively affordable, yet valuable coverage. To learn more about insurance, please visit the Department of Financial Services website at or call them toll free at 1-877-MY-FL-CFO (1-877-693-5236) or (850) 413-3089.
Did You Know Bugs Can Affect Your Homeowners Insurance?
There are not many people who are actually fond to have bugs around them, let alone in their home. Bugs like ants, moths and termites can cause major problems for homeowners because these types of bugs literally eat away at your home, slowly destroying it over time. Homeowners insurance policies don’t offer coverage for pest related problems, which leaves homeowners having to deal with the repercussions on their own. There are certain circumstances however, that could lead your insurance provider to assist you in repairs due to bugs. For example, say termites are eating away at a support beam causing it to collapse and damage other parts of your home. A standard homeowners insurance policy will cover the damage the beam caused to the house after it collapsed, but will not pay to have the beam repaired because it was damaged due to bugs.
In order to make sure your home stays as safe as it can from bug invasion, homeowners need to take some precautions. Woodpiles are common at homes, especially in the fall and winter months when people are using indoor and outdoor fireplaces for warmth; keep woodpiles away from your home because they attract ants and termites. Dispose of dead plants, fallen fruit and wet materials that could be near your home. Bugs love damp areas and live inside rotten fruit. If you have a dog, be sure to pick up after them and to keep them clean, they can pick up bugs while they are out in the yard. Since your homeowners insurance policy makes it hard to claim bug damage, its important you take as much precaution as possible to keep them away from your house. This will ensure your home won’t become a nesting ground for pesky bugs.