Q: What is a FAQ?

A: FAQ is an acronym for “frequently asked questions.”

Q: What is HOA?

A: HOA is an acronym for “Home Owner Association.”

Q: How much is my HOA due?

A: HOA annual dues are $150.00

Q: Where do I make my HOA due payment?

A: HOA payments must be made via check or money order may be sent to Hartsfield Village III Homeowners Association, Inc., 3972 North Monroe Street. Tallahassee, FL 32303

Q: What are the HOA dues used for in Hartsfield Village?

A: HOA dues are used, as required by the covenants and restrictions, for the improvement and maintenance of the common areas (i.e. the roads and drainage). The dues also pay for the streetlights and all signage, and other costs necessary to maintain the Association.

Q: How often are HOA meetings held?

A: HOA Board meetings are held once a month and all residents are welcome to attend. There will be signage placed at the entrance of Hartsfield Village for date, time and location. There is an annual HOA meeting where we would like for all home owners and residents to attend. There will be signage placed at the entrance of Hartsfield Village for date, time and location.

Q: How can I review HOA Records?

A: Property owners may request a review of Hartsfield Village III Homeowners Association, Inc. “HOA” records. The following procedure must be followed in order for the requested records to be made available to property owners:

  1. The HOA must have a written request from the HOA property owner that includes their HOA street address, phone number, and email address along with details of what records they wish to review.
  2. The request must be emailed to the Kirby Management Group, kirbymanagement@gmail.com, Address: 3972 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32303
  3. The Board will contact the HOA attorney to schedule a time when the records can be reviewed by the property owner at the HOA attorneys’ office. The Board must give the HOA attorney at least five (5) business days notice of the request to review HOA records.
  4. A Board member will take the requested records to the HOA attorneys’ office at least one (1) business day before such records are to be reviewed by the property owner.
  5. The Board will notify the property owner via email within seven (7) business days from receipt of the records review request of the scheduled time when the HOA records will be available for review at the attorneys’ office.
  6. The property owner must advise the Board at least two (2) business days prior to the records review date as to whether they intend to review the records at the scheduled time.
  7. If property owner does not respond to the Board’s email, then the Board has met its’ obligation to the property owner to have records available for review and the Board will cancel the scheduled records review.